Boarding Prices
An All Inclusive Boarding Experience
Regardless of which accommodation you choose, all dogs receive the same services as part of the boarding fee.
Stay and Play
Extra "potty" breaks
Personalized feeding schedule
Fresh water throughout the day
Specialized care if needed (administering medications, etc.)
Photos sent daily
Raised beds and blankets
Treats and lots of hugs and kisses

​We do not charge for play time! We believe that dogs benefit from being in social groups throughout the day where they can get exercise, play and stay engaged. Dogs are returned to their boarding accommodations as needed, as some might need more rest time. We monitor each playgroup to ensure everyone is safe and happy. We usually have multiple playgroups (example: large dogs, small dogs, high energy, low energy, etc..) Some dogs can belong to multiple playgroups. Dogs are evaluated prior to joining a playgroup, and participating in a playgroup is not guaranteed. Our main priority is health and happiness of every dog guest. Dogs that are not a good fit for playgroups will enjoy at least three one-on-one play time and two additional "potty" breaks. ​
The only additional charges you might incur is if If you have dogs boarding together, but require to be fed separately, or if Bing's Boarding provides your dog food. There is a $5 daily charge for these services.

Offered 7 days a week
24 square foot private room- $49.00 per night.
36 square foot private room-$54.00 per night
25% off for second dog in shared kennel
40% off for third dog in shared kennel

Offered 7 days a week
Large Kozy Kennel- $44.00 per night.
Medium Kozy Kennel-$35.00 per night
25% off for second dog in shared kennel
40% off for third dog in shared kennel
**Please note our pick-up time options. We want to provide as much flexibility to you as possible to pick-up your dog when it's convenient for you.
Multiple pet discounts
15% off baths for boarding dogs
$25 credit for referrals